Eggplant dish 14: Egg roast
The name is definitely not of my choosing. But seriously, another unexpected eggplant dish. I walk into the Emirates Business Lounge and there is an eggplant dish which was completely disguised in the Asian food section. So it is basically eggs curried. I take one and go and sit down to eat it. Aside from OMG this is amazing and yummy and then I’m like is this eggplant. OMG even more. I go back and ask the people, who tell me it is. So I take a photo.

Then I get three more eggs. And go and eat them – seriously I would have had more, but surely four eggs for breakfast is enough. I think the dish is like Kerala Egg Roast, but with eggplant in it.

I would definitely have it again. Eggplant dish number 14 done and dusted.