Eggplant dish 12: Brinjah Aloo
As I was on a bit of a roll, I decided to get one more eggplant dish in before going away on holidays. This dish is served at work at the Indian lunch place and is always nice. I haven’t had it at all this year so I decided I would visit for lunch on Tuesday. (and please note, I forgot to get a photo so only think I’ve spelt the name correctly. I’ll check when I get back home).
Anyway, it is basically eggplant and potato curry and is vegetarian. I had it with rice and another dish which was a chicken one.

It doesn’t look like much but is very nice to eat and of course I like the potato in it as well. Down to 38 eggplant dishes to go – and as I go to Greece this week I’ll be looking forward to eating more eggplant.