Island Charity Swim – 5km
So when I got back from my work trip to the States I had really bad jet lag. Not to worry, I had almost a week to recover before my 5km island charity swim. I was a bit worried when I realised on the Tuesday I needed to drive to the Sunnie Coast for a pre-swim information session. Not to worry, I drove up at lunchtime and worked at our informal Sunnie Coast location, thanks to a colleague that lives and works there. It was pretty cool as we had meetings together anyway so both beamed from that location. I then went to the info session and was very tired when I drove back to Brissy after but that’s how things are (definitely jet lag and nothing to do with the 4:30am start that day – lol.

On the day Timmy and I drove to the Sunnie Coast bright and early – it was freezing. I ran back into the house and got a coat for just in case – it was a good move. After arriving the wind began picking up but the sea was flat. Everyone was doing the 5km charity swim as the sea wasn’t kind. However, most were swimming the 10km swim. Lucky the water was still about 25 degrees so nice and warm as I didn’t wear a wetsuit. The currents were interesting and at one point I either needed to swim across the shark net or around the shark net to get to the can as I had drifted out. Seriously that sort of freaked me out. I went around.

When I finished Tim handed me the towel and it was so warm. I got my medal from the kids and then had some yummy food that was prepared by the parents of the kids.

The charity swim is a fundraiser for the kids at Nambour and Currimumdi Special schools. So I had to raise $500 and I ended up raising $550. I was so happy with that. It was a great charity and the swim is really nice as well. Normally someone paddles next to the swimmer but I didn’t have anyone do that so I just swam the 2.5km circuit on my own. But that’s okay.

So I swam 5.2km and as that is less than 10% over I only get to count 5km. That means I only have 28.5km left to swim this year. Almost half way and I have a 3.8km swim in a few weeks to do.