Eggplant dish 18: Aubergine Dip
So it’s the first day of the Big Blue swim trek, and we go to lunch at a place called Vathy. It’s really nice and they have aubergine dip on the menu. I haven’t had it yet this year so here is a good opportunity.
So it sounds interesting as it is smoked aubergine dip as a traditional Mount Athos’s recipe. How could I resist that. It looked different than I expected.
I ate it with bread and it was really yummy. I couldn’t eat it all though as I was getting a main – and we were told to eat a light lunch as we had to go swim a couple of km’s after lunch.
My main was grilled chicken and not small at all. Lunch was really yummy and I got another eggplant dish in – yay. I also like it was obviously a local specialty. Eggplant dish number 18 is done and dusted. Now bring on number 19.